The title, BLOOM, speaks of development and growth. Dr. C. D. Dudley presents a new approach to leadership based on five mentor-based elements, which are designed to improve interactions between leaders and followers. When a healthy flower blooms, it grows from a bud to its fullest potential. Through Jesus, the disciples had an exemplary model of real servant leadership and mentoring. In actuality, He spent a substantial amount of time teaching the disciples both about the mission AND how to treat others in the process of carrying out the mission. Consider this: the gospel started out with just one person, Jesus. Then Jesus trained twelve who began teaching other disciples, and now, more than a billion people have come to know Christ. Jesus made an impact as a leader, and you can too! (Price includes shipping, handling, and fees)
BLOOM Study and Reflection Workbook
The workbook accompanies BLOOM, a leadership support book by Dr. C. D. Dudley, and it is designed to ensure that you understand the concepts and elements discussed in the book. Additionally, the workbook provides an opportunity for you to chronicle your own journey as you learn more about adopting five mentor-based elements that promote growth and development in others. In addition to filling in information from the BLOOM book, you will be able to describe how your leadership style will change based on the content and write a personal prayer to petition and thank God for assisting you on your journey. Lastly, a section is included at the end of each chapter to write additional notes that will prepare and empower you on your journey in helping others BLOOM. (Price includes shipping, handling, and fees)
Also Available...
The Fruit Is Not for the Tree Book
Where people exist, offenses will occur. The question is not if someone will offend you; rather, it is– when will it happen. More importantly, how will you deal with the offense when it arrives? Will you push past your fears, hurt, and pain and move to a higher level where you bloom and bear good fruit? Or will the offenses cause you to become bitter, withered and barren?
- This book takes you through the steps to move from being offended and bitter to a life of forgiveness and peace. You will learn how to esteem God’s opinion above the criticism and ridicule of others as you walk in your true purpose and calling to succeed. You will discover:How forgive and pray for someone who offends you
- How to bear good fruit instead of being bitter
- How to let go of the pain of an offense
- The joys and benefits of fruitfulness
- How to get back to a place of peace after an offense
- How God will use the fruit in your life to draw others to Himself
- And more
If you desire to move forward, let go of the past and live above the offenses of the past or present– this book is for you. As you apply the principles therein, you will experience an inner transformation of humility, love, peace and forgiveness that reveals itself openly to bless the lives of others. (Price includes shipping, handling, and fees)